UPDATE 9/28/2010: All Party Videos from 9/18-9/26 will be shown as video responses. The winner will be featured on Fred Channel Oct. 5th! For the first time in Fred history, a fans video response with be featured on my YouTube channel! This Saturday, get all your friends together to watch "Fred: The Movie" on Nickelodeon... then make a movie of the most hackin' cool party you can throw! A PARTY CAN BE WITH FRIENDS OR A PARTY OF ONE! Just have fun and show everyone the coolest party ever! Starting at 8/7c, you can post video responses to THIS video for 1 week. I'll watch and choose the FUNNEST PARTY VIDEO and feature it on my YouTube channel on October 5th, the day of my DVD release! The winner will also get a DVD copy of my movie, a CD and poster of my album of "Who's Ready to Party?", a Fred signature t-shirt and a super special call... FROM ME! Here are the rules! 1. Videos can only be up to 1 minute in length.  2. You can post your video from Saturday September 18th at 8/7c to midnight on Sunday, September 26th.  3. Video must be fun and positive for EVERYONE to enjoy!